Let me tell you... I am FREAKING out. I don't feel at all prepared for this shindig. After taking a month off and completely disregarding my "plan" I am stressed to the max to fit all of my work outs and distance runs in.
Through my reading, I have found that two weeks before the marathon you are supposed to start tapering off your runs. Well, that leaves me with one weekend left to make a 20-22 mile run. This weekend. All the planning, travel arrangements were made months in advance when I felt I had plenty of time to train, prepare and psych myself up for this.
I feel untrained, unprepared and unpsyched. This past weekend was brutal to run outside. It must have been 17 degrees out, the wind was forcefully blowing - whipping my hair back and forth, leaving me with wind burned cheeks and a serious case of the chills. After finally making it home, I did everything to try to get comfortable - used my sisters electric blanket, took a hot shower, put on sweats. Nothing worked.
It is in these instances - the ones where I am starting to seriously question myself, my abilities and my mental strength - that I turn to others.
Why I am Running
Several months ago, when I entered this race, that was an easy one to answer. I was running because I could. As a breast cancer survivor and runner, it was an easy choice. Now it is even easier to answer, but will be harder to do. In October, I was released by my oncologist with 10 years of survival behind me. Now just a month later, I am once again the patient. I found out I have cancer in the opposite breast. I am determined to complete this race. While I may run slowly or walk quickly, I will finish! Breast cancer wont stop me!
Mary Kay Donaldson
Beaufort, SC
It is stories like this one that make me realize I really don't have it so bad. So, however tired, however much I want to just give up, I won't. This is all so much bigger than me, and if ever I need that extra inspiration - I'll just turn to those other 8,000 people who are running with me (http://www.breastcancermarathon.com/run/why-im-running/).
Song of the Day: OneRepublic - Good Life (mad props to Natty T. for providing me with my saweet new playlist. Love you gf.)
Oh, and p.s. in case you haven't seen Donna has put my favorite word as a banner on her website, "inspire". And that is just what I intend to do.
Passionately Pink,