Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Attempted five times to get up for a run this morning. Initially it was the shooting pain from my ankle that got to me... but after hitting that snooze button half a dozen times my lack of enthusiasm to leave the most comfortable bed in the planet got the best of me.

After work I was determined to release some energy and committed myself to leaving for my run by 8PM. Then decided NY style pizza was a good choice for dinner. Ate - iced my ankle and left for my run.

Man, was pizza a bad choice.

I hate to keep going back to my youth.. but in high school my sports superlatives always had something to do with food. I was one of those kids who could eat a double cheeseburger and then go out for a three hour practice and never know the difference. Not anymore.

Completed 4 miles in 36 minutes. A personal worst. Woops.

This run did help me discover one thing - a good way to pace yourself is through your music. While a pre-game ritual for me may be listening to the dirtiest rap songs I can find. A good long-distance run requires some quality Alternative music. Just a thought.

Song of the Day: Manhattan - Kings of Leon

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